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Online R Tutor for Data Science

Hi All!

The Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) and I are looking for a Virtual Data Science Tutor seasoned in R and ML and/or Visualizations in R, preferably with Illustrator experience.

This virtual gig starts ~Sep 23, is based on EST, flexible and pays $40-60/hr DOE with 3-9/hrs broken over each week.  We can move our schedules around Mon-Sat with no needs on Sunday.  We may have another veteran interested in scheduling your superpowers.  This would roughly double the available hours.

I’m the veteran who will be tutored.  To set expectations, I’m not a seasoned programmer and am only half-way through an MS in Applied Data Science.  I’m a mid-career Versatilist working through a wide range of interesting cross-functional challenges for Deloitte, the DOD and NFPs.  Excel VBA is the closest I’ve been to programming.

We would be meeting over a Zoom as I complete my work and ask questions when I’m stuck.  Sometimes that could mean a lot clarification and others where I can progress with limited questions.

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