Thanks for all the reactions (>20), in the meantime we have selected someone.
I am the owner of a website, which aggregates crowdfunding projects with a financial return in the Netherlands. It’s a service site for every private investor who would like to explore and compare the possible investment opportunities in the Netherlands.
As an additional add-on to service our subscribers we would like to add an integrated Crowdfunding Portfolio Dashboard, which gives private investors a cross-platform overview of their participations in one or more crowdfunding projects (the information should be extracted from our mysql database).
The dashboard should contain a graph with a cashflow overview for the subscriber (although obvious, who is logged in at that time), and graphs presenting their participations over the sectors/business entities etc..
I have made a thorough documentation, I would like to use Shiny for the presentation as I can program let’s say a bit below average in R, so any adaptions in the future can be done myself. Hope to hearing from you, thanks in advance!